LG McDonald
Sep 30, 2013
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Post Ratings

Received: Given:
Like 8,235 1,306
Dislike 326 14
Troll 80 4
Get Good 113 21
Funny 396 328
Winner 2,243 989
Informative 897 1,322
Useful 183 15
Creative 87 3
Old 62 9
Bad Spelling 178 0
Dumb 208 48
Jul 5, 1988 (Age: 35)
Ottawa, ON

LG McDonald

Director of Hockey Operations, Male, 35, from Ottawa, ON

Staff Member Admin Platinum League Commissioner LGHL BOG (PSN) LGHL BOG Media Director Player Development Committee

Noo Jun 6, 2023

    1. WarlordofHel
      Hey im new to this but im definitely trying to sign up for season 20. It wont let me though. Is it because Im trying from a phone?
    2. SJMOB408
      But 50 games away from legend 3
    3. SJMOB408
      I'm ready just signed up . ChL ,pee wee .I'm ready to earn spot
    4. xRHETROx
      I'm new. How do I sign up for season 20 draft?
    5. BeastModeCowb0y
      nvm tris fixed it i think
    6. BeastModeCowb0y
      Brody can u check and lmk im signed up for lgihl still not showing please lmk thanks!
      How do I sign up and get on a team for season 20
    8. Squirrelnutz88
      Hi this message is late for this season however a friend j work with desiredchicken4 hAd signed up and then removed for what seems to be no reason, I recommended he appeal the ban, he says his appeal was denied can we look into this please
    9. Das Maischips
      Das Maischips
      Hey, requested a name change a couple days ago. Scheduled for this week so just seeing whatsup. Thanks
    10. KingRaRule420CC
      Hi bro I'm raul and my gamertag is kingrarule420cc and I signed up for the lghl or at least I thought I did in may 10 ,2014 ..I played for the vhl like two seasons ago and am really interested in the lghl .I'm on every day no problems being available.I was wondering if it is to late to get on a team.can u try to see what you can help me with any way I can get in the league will be greatly appreciated thanks and god bless. Raul
    11. zzzDEEMANzzz
      Just wondered if u got my other msg?
    12. zzzDEEMANzzz
      Hey man my team the rouyn noranda huskies management went nuts and waived themselves and their friends and then I was made gm with out consent I do wish to continue to play in the league I don't and never wished to manage I hope there is something that can be done that doesn't involve me being punished in anyway thank you for ur time
    13. ill9will6
      Hello. My gamertag is correct, and if you can remember. No hate if you forget, refer to me as will.

      I am interested in becoming a CHL gm. I just need the links for the threads on how to successfully run a team.

      This is my first season with LG, and i did do some time with league arena. You may by a longshot remember me as 'BSTLxLICKMYARM'. I did half a season as a CHL AGM but that was a different league last year.

      This season I have been passed through 3 teams due to lack of activity. So why I am making myself a candidate, its because now I'm getting no games with the team I'm with now. And my general interest in being a boss and my organizational skills can only develop by doing this. Believe it or not, xbox 360 can be educational for a 17 yearold.

      I am interested in taking control of a team this season. I am willing to work from the bottom because thats how things get built.

      Please. Get back to me asap. I am willing to get to work tonight.
    14. l Mann x 52 l
      l Mann x 52 l
      Hey man, I'm just wondering why exactly unreal and I have been issued suspensions
    15. Dirty sock x2
      Dirty sock x2
      Are you a lg commisioner ? Because I have an issue I need tell you. We'll I'm on Chicago and my owner is Adams x 21 and aren't you suppose to get 3 games a week? We'll I didn't get any games this week and I kept messaging Adams asking him when I'm playing because I've signed up for the games I can play and he has not assigned me to play.
    16. Monopolized
      Clear your inbox.
    17. D Youpi it is
      D Youpi it is
      Hi BMCDONALD19 ,

      I'm not to familiar with the site yet and have a simple question. My issue is that the availability showing on my bidding gamercard . Has changed a little and would like to be able to change it if its possible . I remember I wrote it when I signed up for s17. If its not possible its ok as well . Thanks youpild
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  • About

    Jul 5, 1988 (Age: 35)
    Ottawa, ON
    NHL 16 Player Name:
    -. McDonald
    Xbox Gamer Tag:
    LG McDonald
    PSN Gamer Tag:
    LG Games Played:


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