Mike Scott's Post-Bidding AHL Team Grades

Discussion in 'Leaguegaming American Hockey League (LGAHL)' started by MiikeScott, Oct 29, 2020.

  1. mikeychel

    mikeychel Living legend

    Feb 15, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    +1,470 / 122 / -262
    Did a pre-bidding post, might as well grade how all of you idiots did. These grades will be based on your roster as a whole and includes your DPs, roster players from before bidding as well as those acquired during bidding. Each position will receive a letter grade and I'll go over some key acquisitions and write a small synopsis.

    *At the time of this post, there are still like 15 bids to end, only one that would make an impact is Patmo x 16.
    Bakersfield Condors :team515:

    Key additions thru bidding: @NEEMMM @Br0midas
    Offense: A
    Defense: C+
    Goalie: B-
    Playoff Hopes: High

    Notes: Having one of the few NHL guys coming down as a free contract had this team in a good position pre-bidding but they definitely found some additional weapons along the way this week. Neemmm might be wildly overpaid but in this bidding, he is head and shoulders above most available forwards. Bromidas, go for a celly, riley, te bagz and bills are all nice complimentary forwards and the defense is nothing to ride home about but isn't too bad. Add in a couple decent goalies and this is a nice roster. I don't expect much from BAK draft picks or send downs from OTT, maybe sactap, but who knows.

    Belleville Senators :team777:

    Key additions thru bidding: @KnifeVet22
    Offense: A
    Defense: B+
    Goalie: C+
    Playoff Hopes: High

    Notes: Sharp returns again to get over the hump and take home a Calder after a couple disappointing finishes in S35-36. This was probably the best returning roster prior to bidding and they didn't do anything in bidding to hurt the structure of their roster. KnifeVet is a certified stud (carried mike scott to 72 pts) and the Baby Sens core is well above the cut for this seasons AHL. Cup contenders. No help from DPs/Send downs here as well.

    Binghamton Devils :team303:

    Key additions thru bidding: @lNezzyl
    Offense: B-
    Defense: A-
    Goalie: B-
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    The Devils clearly had a premonition that the defensive bidding pool would be dogmeat and doubled up on defensive management, smart move. From bidding, I think Nezzy will clean up at this level and if Dubliggaa and Herndy can return to form at all, this offense could get buzzing. Their defense has 1-2 question marks but in my grade, I included Provy l9l (DP) in the mix. Provy is the real deal and makes this one of the better D-cores. I also believe the Baby Devs will either see Elias x26 sent down or use ImKrunchy (DP) - I don't know which one.

    Bridgeport Sound Tigers :team315:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Dangle53 @Tookiiieee @Cavy l53l
    Offense: B+
    Defense: B
    Goalie: B
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Manshit finally did a decent job after separating from Mike Scott in S35 and created a pretty even roster across the board, top to bottom. Dangle is a solid NHLer coming down for only 3mil, Poison is an OG coming back and Giroux (AGM) has always been a great winger. But what the fuck is a Magundis? Is it a toe fungi? Tookiee for $1M is a steal in this bid pool and although Cavy is overpaid, he's leaps and bounds above the average AHL dman. Girlship also reunites with his S33 management partner, Holta, who has a knack for unbelievable playoff performances. BST has plenty of TC/DP help as well.

    Charlotte Checkers :team393:

    Key additions thru bidding: @ChelCat08
    Offense: C
    Defense: C+
    Goalie: B+
    Playoff Hopes: LOW

    Notes: Pogyz aka Lango92 put together a team that will rely on chemistry after bidding on a few of his buddies on this heavily french team. Guys like ChelCat08 and Lavoie97 will have to carry the offense and their defense is suspect. At least they have a strong goalie duo? No help from DPs either.

    Chicago Wolves :team395:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Rubber McDucky @SurpriseMe22
    Offense: B+
    Defense: C+
    Goalie: B-
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Notes: After a ban hammer was unleashed on Salty's head, Beleyebrows (he's got big ass eyebrows) came from the clouds after a weekend of begging for NHL bids to snag the free contract with DeIosh. I do like this teams forward group outside of the fact that they have 11 right wings. SurpriseMe and Rubber McDucky for 1.75m total is excellent value. Mix in Jaydee, both dev's, dooglare and even stupid head ass Belial and this offense should be buzzing. Outside of Delosh, I have major concerns about this D-core. The goalie duo should be totally fine and not influence a games outcome one way or the other. I can't tell what this org will do with Toxicdrift and clouuu (DPs) so I am unsure what help the Wolves will get.

    Cleveland Monsters :team317:

    Key additions thru bidding: @IM So RaW x @Madea10 @Nightmare xX
    Offense: A
    Defense: B
    Goalie: B-
    Playoff Hopes: High

    Notes: Not really sure how this team was assembled under the 25mil AHL cap but Kessell, Tolerant and Travy pulled it off. This offense is undoubtable a top 5 unit riddled with guys who spent time in the NHL and could cause terror across all three lines. I do like Sandy and Nightmare, but the defense leaves a little to be desired. Bigmac is a great goalie but I don't know much about cupcake. No help from DPs/Send Downs. Cup Contender.

    Colorado Eagles :team625:

    Key additions thru bidding: @xC_u_c_k @TIN045 @Cloutkaniemi
    Offense: B+
    Defense: B-
    Goalie: A-
    Playoff Hopes: High

    Notes: I love a few of the additions to the Eagles offense to pair with the AGMs (Rex and Don) including daveydonuts, xCuck and Tino45. We will see how the newfie boys do but this is a solid unit. Thank god Smitter and Joon were on the roster because outside of these two, theres not much there on D. Finally, Colorado brought up two of the best goalies from the CHL including Clout who I thought was one of the best available. The Eagles have access to 6 DPs from this seasons draft (later rounds)...Not sure who will make an impact, but it's nice to have options.

    Grand Rapid Griffins :team299:

    Key additions thru bidding: @CoreyPerry1 @pitwinkle
    Offense: B
    Defense: B
    Goalie: B
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Notes: The S35 champs still have a few leftover pieces including Cubs, Night and Bad Larry. I can't believe the other managers let CP1 go for that cheap. The rest of the talent on the fwd lines were already on the roster in Metal, Cubs, Night and Weavs but these three lines should be just fine. I think this is the season Homiezoned finally has a real shot at an Eddie. I (personally) think Retnuh and Saquon suck nuts...prove me wrong. And a goalie duo of Shitstinkle and either cyml or a send down (recycle) is great. Fuck Shitwinkle.

    Hartford Wolf Pack :team314:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Lowdss @TITO CLAPS
    Offense: B+
    Defense: A-
    Goalie: A-
    Playoff Hopes: High

    Notes: Likely the top 1-2 free duo in the AHL with shitnami and clutch, paired with 300 draft picks...this crew would have had to contracted a brain disease to fuck up their roster thru bidding. I like the Lowdss pick up as well as Guru but this team will be built thru send downs and DPs. Shotsy is coming down...returning after his ban - After playing with him in banana leagues during his 'hiatus', Im pretty confident Shotsy is going to put the AHL in a blender. DP Keenis was one of my favorites heading into the draft and should also make his mark on the A. Combined with a few DPs, the D-Core should be excellent with AO and Tito Claps. Despite being one of the most annoying voices in LG, Tito is a legit Dman and is my dark horse for the Eddie. I believe (?) jpiss was an AHL pick - if that's the case, Hatford has a certified #1 stud.

    Henderson Silver Knights :team775:

    Key additions thru bidding: @silentsoljacuz4 @smroc11
    Offense: B-
    Defense: B-
    Goalie: B-
    Playoff Hopes: LOW

    Notes: Ryonn Reynolds is back and geared up with DPs and send downs to give it a solid run at a plyoff spot this season. Currently, I see this team as a fringe playoff team and will really depend how well Lowkey treats them this season. I know Ceel 77 is coming down and I guess it's possible prodigy and bill crosby come down as well as A's which would really boost the SK's offense. I love the jacuz pick up and think guys like earthshaker and zadinaa will be nice pieces on the fwd lines. If Allo is brought in for Henderson, he would also increase their chances. On defense, I love smroc11 and was considering him for my own team in the N. If BigJohn and GratedCobra can get back to form, that would be a huge boost for this d-core.

    Hershey Bears :team350:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Chunx @xJLucas
    Offense: B
    Defense: A-
    Goalie: C
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Notes: Despite being clowned non stop, Chisouth the AGM did a nice job bringing in two legit free contracts in Skoden and Blisdon. Bonus points for getting two Dmen. This team has a legit Game 7 lineup that I assume would include Gerbe, Lucas, Skoden and Blisdon but there's a lot to still be accomplished on lines 2 and 3. I love the Chunx pick up. From my source, Showtime is coming down and Goahl and Broessler will be called up which will certainly boost this rooster. I didn't think Goahl was ready for an NHL roster but certainly should do damage in the A. And despite the -500 career, Chishitsider is a more than capable Dman.

    Iowa Wild :team362:

    Key additions thru bidding: N/A
    Offense: C+
    Defense: B-
    Goalie: B
    Playoff Hopes: LOW

    Notes: I am a big fan of this free contract duo. Despite most of his career at defense, Rex is a very solid forward and Colonel is on the top end of the Dmen in the AHL. I didn't love their bidding outside of a few nice pick ups like Venom and Federov. As of me writing this, they still have 3 bid spots open so I hold judgement. I know Kjinger is moving up to Minny but maybe Louskillz stays down and helps really fortify this decent d-core. And eden is one of the more consistent goalies in the AHL.

    Laval Rockets :team778:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Chainer AM @ASAP Breakfast
    Offense: C+
    Defense: C+
    Goalie: C
    Playoff Hopes: LOW

    Notes: Grizgoal is expected to be called up so I think the only roster movement (non trade) you will see is the CLAVY SHOW come down to Laval, which will help the offense a bit. Overall, I only like a few pick ups for good ole' grape koolaid - Chainer and ASAP Breakfast. King Saffy is a nice piece for the forward unit and ASAP, Crosscheck and JayJay should be fine on defense but this team should make little to no impact on a playoff race.

    Lehigh Valley Phantoms :team302:

    Key additions thru bidding: @vGrxmpy
    Offense: B-
    Defense: B
    Goalie: B
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Notes: Here is a team that should benefit from the DP/Send Down pool. I believe WoodyH and JustTheGod will be coming down to LHV to boost their offense and with Kebz expected to be called up, the Phantoms will likely have the option of bringing in Lundie as well. Gritty and Studz will be vital to their teams success with no major pieces on the offense. The foursome of Smitty, Grumpy, Spaceless and Wiz brings some stability to the back end of the Phantoms team and the goalie situation is great in Lehigh.

    Manitoba Moose :team307:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Breckeeezy
    Offense: B+
    Defense: B
    Goalie: B-
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Notes: Here is another team that had a majority of it's talent on the roster before bidding even started with paperclip, kdevv, doitlive, neil, duber and risto already in hand. They did a solid job in bidding, especially if Breck lasts the whole season. Paperclip and Kdevv should continue to dominate and Neil/Kane are two premiere Dmen in the A - This team will be a problem in a playoff series but getting there will be a struggle with their depth. This team doesn't have much help from DP/Send Downs.

    Milwaukee Admirals :team390:

    *SKIPPED - (This is my AHL team - I like what Packer put together though)

    Ontario Reign :team517:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Lauxey @mashle93 @hotwinglol
    Offense: B-
    Defense: B-
    Goalie: B
    Playoff Hopes: LOW

    Notes: This team had a run-of-the-mill bidding and brought in some great names and contracts along with a few guys who may be past their prime. Lauxey was a steal on forward and I like the addition of drouin, jackdoop and RJ. On defense, mashle is an OG who looks pretty damn good in 21. The rest of the D-core is a bunch of guys who should do fine this season but won't shut down any premiere lineups. The goalie duo is incredibly solid. Willy sucks. This is a team that could sneak into a playoff spot but I would think the journey would end quiet early. No help from DPs/Send Downs

    Palm Springs Firebirds :team774:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Vio37
    Offense: B+
    Defense: B
    Goalie: B-
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Notes: Aside from Belleville and a few others, this team will be most reliant on their chemistry. A LARGE portion of this team is a segment of players from the banana league, Moose Hockey League, including a pair of brothers (Tspoon and Luckten) - sbdr, tspoon, mbell, ezreal, cougar and notorious. All of these guys best days might be behind them, but they should be able to speedbag teams early in the season as people adjust to playing with new people on a new game. I like the addition of suzuki as a free contract and the slew of last season DPs on the roster (lagrange, cougar, tspoon, jalbert, etc). I expect these guys to make the playoffs but it will hinge on their performance in the second half of the season when the rest of the league builds their own chem.

    Providence Bruins :team352:

    Key additions thru bidding: @C0TES @Juul In You
    Offense: A+
    Defense: A
    Goalie: C+
    Playoff Hopes: HIGH

    Notes: This team was an absolute MENACE (douchers) during bidding, using their leverage as a team with a billion send downs/dps to their advantage, sniping a ton of bids and costing the other teams in the league millions in additional bids. One of Moists more impressive trolls. At the end of the day though, this team is absolutely stacked. I understand Tubbytits expects to call up 5-6 guys (Nicky, salad, gattineau and I believe promoe and chuy). Send downs to this team should include romanov, duggz and possibly flightn, rowski and goalscorer. After the final roster with send downs and DPs and even call ups like moveslikejagr, I don't expect to see a flaw on offense except moist. If this team is able to use bbwoys and vbandit for most of the season, this d-core should be the deepest in the league. Im unimpressed by their goalie duo but it shouldn't matter much. Cup Contender.

    Rochester Americans :team312:

    Key additions thru bidding: @NJSki711 @Stavy19
    Offense: B
    Defense: B-
    Goalie: B-
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Notes: After surprising a few people last season, underdog Draward is back and put together a solid unit thru bidding. My old paramour NJSki falls to AHL bidding where he cost a pretty penny but should slaughter most LD's throughout the season. I also like the addition of Bryce and expect at minimum, stutzle to be called up from the DPs. I don't know if this team is receiving additional send downs but will definitely benefit from their DP pool. The defense looks decent with killamilla and Stavy. Maybe this is the year that Adawa truly cooks? With two goalie DPs in Hockey Gent and Blix, Rochester should see a nice bump with whichever they have access to. This is a team that I think could be dragged in to the playoffs on NJSki's back.

    Rockford IceHogs :team349:

    Key additions thru bidding: @ZxC l88l @GregxWhite
    Offense: C
    Defense: C-
    Goalie: B
    Playoff Hopes: LOW

    Notes: This team is lacking some serious firepower from top to bottom. Outside of ZxC and Mat as well as Sty 27, I don't see where this team will be able to produce offense outside of line 1. I don't love what they did on defense and seem to be void of a #1 Dpair. This team could really benefit if they have access to any of their DPs (Roby, Elton and Blud) - If Breakin3 2 1 comes down in place of Josh U, that will give a nice boost to their d-core. Gregxwhite is a great goalie and if he's paired with Bludhaven, they may be able to steal some games for Rockford.

    San Diego Gulls :team518:

    Key additions thru bidding: @DavidxPrice
    Offense: B
    Defense: B
    Goalie: C
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Notes: One of the higher end free contract duos, Pigs and Boogie had a solid bidding to pair with some of their existing contracts like unreal killer, jaguar jeff, turle and cross. David Price is a former rookie of the year, BaskutKayz used to kill the CHL/AHL before spending some time in the N and they have some nice DPs at their disposal. I believe Nintendo (DP) will be called up so it will be interesting to see who the Gulls get sent down. If San Diego is able to use both DPs - dirty dangler and green beenz, their D-core improves immensely. Here is another team that's a fringe playoff team prior to any roster changes.

    San Jose Barracuda :team519:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Berulev
    Offense: C+
    Defense: B-
    Goalie: C+
    Playoff Hopes: LOW

    Notes: What tf is this roster. Outside of Berulev, Jumps and Fatal, I don't see a name I trust on offense to make an impact. The d-core is solid with Mcquade, sabbz and pylon but nothing to impressive. Goalie duo is fine, especially if they can use DP itsINYC and the rest of the teams DPs are low-impact depth players. This team needs to do some serious work thru trades to make some semblance of a playoff roster.

    Springfield Thunderbirds :team617:

    Key additions thru bidding: @im just a squid @Carnage7448
    Offense: C
    Defense: C+
    Goalie: C
    Playoff Hopes: NO

    Notes: A management trio from the stone ages, a time before most people had opposable thumbs, has returned and put together a :eek: roster. Im just a squid always has a decent season in the A and carnage was a nice pickup at LD, but this team would need a water-to-wine miracle to make the playoffs this season. Zero help from DPs/Send Downs as well.

    Stockton Heat :team516:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Mxckie @KeiranGW
    Offense: B+
    Defense: C+
    Goalie: B
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Notes: A nice management trio in Hayes, Twoco and Fawn put together a solid roster thru bidding this season. Playing with Hayes in '21, I expect big things from whatever line he puts himself on. Mackie, the biggie bog, is a good forward with a lot of A/N experience and has backend keys to tweak the standings. The Heat's existing roster was solid with Cannazaro, fawn, binxx, Davison and datsyuk. This team may have access to up to 5 DPs - I don't really expect any of them to be called up but could be wrong - Georgio and Heber 91 would have the biggest impact if they make the Heat. I also expect cKenbo to be called up and make an impact this season despite his toxicity (sup kenbo). KeiranGW looks excellent in '21 and Scali is one of my Day 1's who grinds the game and works hard at his craft. If this team grinds, they should easily be able to snag a playoff spot.

    Syracuse Crunch :team309:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Eamonn @ScheckDiesel @toastycheezit
    Offense: C+
    Defense: B-
    Goalie: C+
    Playoff Hopes: LOW

    Notes: Buddies Demon and TLD23 return together and put together a decent squad thru bidding with little help in the wings (no DPs/Send Downs). Eamonn drops down from the N after being on one of the worst rosters in the N last season in the Blues (I was there too). Based on his play style, I think he will do well bullying opposing AHL defenders all season. Sinka is always solid and Willard is a nice pickup, very defensive center. I like their d-core, especially Scheck and toastycheezit but it slowly declines after that unless rybish can get back on his old shit. This team could make a little noise but I'm not expecting a playoff spot in their future.

    Texas Stars :team300:

    Key additions thru bidding: @GreasyReesey- @mashotpa @HEROxIDENTITY @KEAPPS
    Offense: B
    Defense: B
    Goalie: D+
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Notes: I really like what Texas did what their bidding this season. Mashotpa may be the steal of bidding and looks awesome in 21. Greasy is always a menace and Hero has a lot of experience in the N. Stonks aka getzlaf has had some monster CHL seasons and has had thumbs for years in banana leagues. I also hate the fuck out of myself for saying this...but...Orock aint bad. On defense, May and Buffalo are both solid dmen.. maybe not free contract worthy, but definitely good compared to this bid pool. Keapps was a great pickup. I do not like this goalie tandem but shouldn't affect the team too much. No help from DPs/Send downs. Solid shot at a playoff spot with this forward unit.

    Toronto Marlies :team298:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Ti Mathieu 21
    Offense: B
    Defense: C+
    Goalie: B-
    Playoff Hopes: LOW

    Notes: Returning MOTY Broomball returns with his guys GK and Jelly with his eyes set on the Calder but... this aint it fam. Unless I'm missing some major moves behind the scenes or some help from send-downs/DPs - this is a downgrade from Brooms S36 roster. Schwifty7 and Ti Mathieu come up from the CHL and should actually make a decent impact for the Marlies offense which is lead by Jelly, ferda and broom (yuck). Outside of GK, I'm not sure there's anything special about this d-core. Perry is a great goalie and will be an important piece for the Marlies this season. I'm sure Broom will be wheeling and dealing all season but as of now, I'm not ready to chalk up a return to the 'loffs form Buzzball just yet.

    Tucson Roadrunners :team618:

    Key additions thru bidding: @xBeef_Wellington @X CANIAC12 X @reggiecush88
    Offense: A-
    Defense: B-
    Goalie: C+
    Playoff Hopes: High

    Notes: I really like what jarrett, jaguar and dangle nation did with their bidding. They went out and spent big on Beef Wellington aka 0 Monopoly 0 and added close confident to dangle nation, Caniac. If there is anyone in LG that can wrangle in caniac's toxicity and turn it into offense, it's DN. Reggiecush is one, if not the best locker room guy in the league. Hypes up everyone...he's also a former NHLer who should kill it in the A. Their defense is a little sus but I don't think they will be hard pressed with how many goals the offense should score. Decent goalie duo but nothing special. Should be a playoff team.

    Utica Comets :team410:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Mr4Freeze @JxHaTch24x @Globes
    Offense: B+
    Defense: B
    Goalie: C+
    Playoff Hopes: Medium

    Notes: After the great Zinc debacle of 2020, tranqzz flies in vMvtt to take over AGM duties. I'm a fan of what this duo did in bidding, finding some solid steals and putting together a level d-core. Both Mr4Freeze and JHatch are former NHL dmen switching positions and fell down to AHL bidding. I haven't seen much of freeze at center, but knowing his IQ and puck skill, I'm sure he will kill it alongside his buddy vmatt. J Hatch is legit at forward and was on my short list for wingers in NHL bidding. He fires away from all parts of the ice and should create havoc for defenders. Another one of those (hate to say its) but vmatt looks really good in 21. Globes is a former NHL dman who spent last season at center but should anchor this d-core along with some solid contributors like auggy and ladoo.

    Wilkes Barre Scranton Penguins :team301:

    Key additions thru bidding: @Cormier x 99
    Offense: C+
    Defense: C
    Goalie: C+
    Playoff Hopes: LOW

    Notes: Not much to gawk about with this roster. Cormier 99 is an OG returning to LG and if all goes well, should make a significant impact for WBS. Eldo (nyquist) has always been solid and Rant 96 aka disney, gets another chance in the AHL after falling to the C in s36. On defense, people like Maverxk and happy pokemon will have to step up for this team to have any sort of defensive presence this season. No DPs/Send Downs on the horizon, so this team will need to make some significant moves to make any sort of noise.

    Love, Mikey
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  2. Barks l21l

    Barks l21l Admirals GM

    Mar 9, 2014
    i Nylander l#8101
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  3. Belial I19I

    Belial I19I Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2014
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    Appreciate you mikey for taking time to do this!

    These wolves!
  4. I Luckyy l

    I Luckyy l Well-Known Member

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    "no firepower"
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  5. TheMainEvent

    TheMainEvent Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2013
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    I won’t be shutting down any of these premier lineups, can confirm that.
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  6. Craig B x91

    Craig B x91 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    I remember the old days when the only people who made post bidding lists were actually relevant at the game. Guess things have changed in the time I was gone.
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  7. cabcavlax1

    cabcavlax1 Peaked in S37

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    :team777:uzzville Defense is :team777:etter than a :team777:+
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    The City
  8. ll REX Il

    ll REX Il Well-Known Member

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  9. Saquon

    Saquon Gag On It

    Oct 16, 2017
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    I do suck nuts
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  10. mikeychel

    mikeychel Living legend

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  11. Trravvy

    Trravvy The One and Only

    Jul 7, 2019
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    Nice write up Mike
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  12. jackD00P

    jackD00P ‍♀️

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Thank you for the k̶i̶n̶d̶ words.
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  13. DavidxPrice

    DavidxPrice Well-Known Member

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  14. Hoozus

    Hoozus -

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  15. Jorrdohh

    Jorrdohh Pigeon Here

    Jun 19, 2017
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    good article however do not sleep on our DPS :)
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  16. vGrxmpy

    vGrxmpy Retired Offensive Defenseman

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Nice write up, these Phantoms gonna surprise I think
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  17. DiCaprio III

    DiCaprio III Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2016
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  18. Lebang 58

    Lebang 58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2014
    Lebang 58#8645
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    B+ for defense on buzzville is a hot take mike
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  19. Jaw Ache

    Jaw Ache Jaw

    Jul 5, 2016
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    MIke. Have you seen your stats bud? Please don't go around ranking anyone or any team. Save yourself the time and practice playing chel.
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  20. mikeychel

    mikeychel Living legend

    Feb 15, 2016
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    This you?
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