PSN S9 IHL Offseason Tournament Ownership Application (AHL)

Discussion in 'Leaguegaming International Hockey League (PSN)' started by kuddy, Sep 17, 2020.

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  1. kuddy

    kuddy Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2018
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    If you wish to become an Owner for this Special Offseason Tourney please fill out the application below.

    REMINDER: Filling out the application below does not guarantee you a spot for Ownership.

    Make sure that you read this thread thoroughly & fill out the application professionally because a quick response that looks sloppy.

    Thank you for applying. The staff will be in touch in the coming week. So please be patient within this process. We would appreciate it if you don't message any staff in regards to your status as we will be informing you if you have been selected as a potential candidate.


    PSN AHL Offseason Tourney Ownership Application


    1. What is your age?
    2. Did you play and end on a roster in the AHL during Season 14?
    3. What is your previous league management experience?
      (Example: Owner, General Manager or Assistant General Manager)
    4. What is your experience in leagues overall?
      (How long have you been in the LG? What other leagues have you been in?)
    5. What is your knowledge of the rulebook?
      (How would you rate your knowledge of the LG Rulebook? Rate yourself between a 1 as least & 7 as most knowledgeable.)
    6. What is your knowledge of PSN Forums?
      (Are you familiar with the important sticky threads highlighted in RED and do you understand how to find the league's rosters, standings & league news? Yes or No.)
    7. Do you accept the Ownership Responsibility & Role?
      Please Respond By Answering With The Following "I Understand & Accept"
    8. Please select up to 3 teams (AHL) and up to 3 countries you wish to be an Owner of.

    Role and Responsibility As A Owner
    • Being selected as an Owner is a privilege not many are afforded. The most important thing the League wants to communicate to the Owners and Managers is that their number one priority is to ensure their players have the best possible experience they can on this website! If selected as Manager or Owner, you are expected to make that your priority.
    • The day to day operations that keep a team functioning is also important. Managers and Owners are given the tools and ability to ensure their team functions properly within the guidelines set out by the League. It is important to understand that the Owner(s) and Manager(s) are also responsible for their team, and can be held accountable for actions and decisions they make or fail to make.
    • The position of Owner and Manager is considered to be a leadership role intended for those members of the community that consider themselves as leaders. It is recommended that only those members who can commit to the ups and downs a season can throw at them should be considered for a position of this importance.
    Understanding Expectations
    • The League has set expectations that those members selected for Ownership should adhere to. Those expectations include that these members keep the best interest of the League, sportsmanship, their players, and respect for one another high on their personal priority list.
    • This community looks to its Owners and Managers as leaders, who have volunteered their personal time to ensure that the teams are run correctly, as well as create a fun, competitive & organized experience for them.
    • Each Owner and Manager selected will be required to understand & accept these expectations prior to them being accepted by the League.
    Understanding Website Etiquette
    • Managers are expected to follow the code of conduct at all times. It is extremely important that all members feel respected.
    • Our Leagues bring out the competitive nature in us all, which is completely acceptable. The conduct outlined in the code of conduct doesn't restrict members from disagreeing with each other or debating Player skills and talent.
    • "Trash talk" is part of the game & will always be a part of this League. It is important to understand a line has been drawn in the Code of Conduct & that line needs to be respected at all times.
    The Commissioners will touch base with you once a proper date has been set for a follow-up interview. Thank you!
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  2. OneTeeOvi

    OneTeeOvi Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    +1,002 / 335 / -632
    1. What is your age? 38
    2. Did you play and end on a roster in the AHL during Season 14? Yes
    3. What is your previous league management experience?
      (Example: Owner, General Manager or Assistant General Manager) AHL GM 5 Seasons
    4. What is your experience in leagues overall?
      (How long have you been in the LG? What other leagues have you been in?) S2 PSN. XBOX S26
    5. What is your knowledge of the rulebook?
      (How would you rate your knowledge of the LG Rulebook? Rate yourself between a 1 as least & 7 as most knowledgeable.) 7
    6. What is your knowledge of PSN Forums?
      (Are you familiar with the important sticky threads highlighted in RED and do you understand how to find the league's rosters, standings & league news? Yes or No.) VERY FAMILIAR
    7. Do you accept the Ownership Responsibility & Role?
      Please Respond By Answering With The Following "I Understand & Accept" I Understand and Accept
    8. Please select up to 3 teams (AHL) and up to 3 countries you wish to be an Owner of.
    9. Bridgeport, Charlotte, San Antonio, Canada, Britain, Russia
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  3. G--P--3

    G--P--3 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2019
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    Wherevers not going to get me hit
    +267 / 21 / -39
    1. What is your age? 24
    2. Did you play and end on a roster in the AHL during Season 14? Yes
    3. What is your previous league management experience?
      (Example: Owner, General Manager or Assistant General Manager) S11 GM Guelph Storm, S13 AGM WBS Penguins, S14 GM San Diego Gulls
    4. What is your experience in leagues overall?
      (How long have you been in the LG? What other leagues have you been in?) LG Season 10 to Present
    5. What is your knowledge of the rulebook?
      (How would you rate your knowledge of the LG Rulebook? Rate yourself between a 1 as least & 7 as most knowledgeable.) 6
    6. What is your knowledge of PSN Forums?
      (Are you familiar with the important sticky threads highlighted in RED and do you understand how to find the league's rosters, standings & league news? Yes or No.) Yes very familiar with forums.
    7. Do you accept the Ownership Responsibility & Role?
      Please Respond By Answering With The Following "I Understand & Accept" I Understand and Accept
    8. Please select up to 3 teams (AHL) and up to 3 countries you wish to be an Owner of. Laval Rocket, Grand Rapids Griffins, WBS Penguins and USA, Canada, Greece
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  4. Xb-red94

    Xb-red94 Warning Group

    Sep 10, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +516 / 12 / -19
    1. What is your age? 26
    2. Did you play and end on a roster in the AHL during Season 14? Yes
    3. What is your previous league management experience?
      (Example: Owner, General Manager or Assistant General Manager) AHL AGM Season 14
    4. What is your experience in leagues overall?
      (How long have you been in the LG? What other leagues have you been in?) Been apart of LG since 2012. Started in season 16 LGHL Xbox
    5. What is your knowledge of the rulebook?
      (How would you rate your knowledge of the LG Rulebook? Rate yourself between a 1 as least & 7 as most knowledgeable.) 6
    6. What is your knowledge of PSN Forums?
      (Are you familiar with the important sticky threads highlighted in RED and do you understand how to find the league's rosters, standings & league news? Yes or No.) Yes
    7. Do you accept the Ownership Responsibility & Role?
      Please Respond By Answering With The Following "I Understand & Accept" I Understand and Accept
    8. Please select up to 3 teams (AHL) and up to 3 countries you wish to be an Owner of. Providence, Marlies, Phantoms, Canada, Sweden and Finland
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  5. HowRawTooRaw

    HowRawTooRaw Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Kingston Ontario
    +215 / 19 / -60
    1.What is your age? 22
    2. Did you play and end on a roster in the AHL during Season 14? - No
    3. What is your previous league management experience? S8 Chicoutimi Sagueneens AGM, S9 Chicoutimi Sagueneens GM, S10 Cape Breton AGM, S11 Toronto Marlies AGM, S12 Colorado Eagles AGM, S13 San Antonio Rampage GM, S14 Paid AGM Pittsburgh Penguins for 2 weeks.
    (Example: Owner, General Manager or Assistant General Manager)
    4. What is your experience in leagues overall? Been in LG since I believe Season 6, and I’ve played in other leagues such as FBHL, FB3s, VGHL.
    (How long have you been in the LG? What other leagues have you been in?)
    5. What is your knowledge of the rulebook? 6.5/7
    (How would you rate your knowledge of the LG Rulebook? Rate yourself between a 1 as least & 7 as most knowledgeable.)
    6. What is your knowledge of PSN Forums? Yes
    (Are you familiar with the important sticky threads highlighted in RED and do you understand how to find the league's rosters, standings & league news? Yes or No.)
    7. Do you accept the Ownership Responsibility & Role? I understand & Accept.
    Please Respond By Answering With The Following "I Understand & Accept"
    Please select up to 3 teams (AHL) and up to 3 countries you wish to be an Owner of. Condors/Rampage/Checkers - Canada/USA/Germany
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  6. Stxvio

    Stxvio Greatest Never

    May 7, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    +1,441 / 161 / -244
    1. What is your age? 19
    2. Did you play and end on a roster in the AHL during Season 14? no
    3. What is your previous league management experience? S14 Florida Owner, S13 Ontario GM, S11 Ontario GM, S3 Ice Dogs owner
      (Example: Owner, General Manager or Assistant General Manager)
    4. What is your experience in leagues overall? S2-current, old commissioner of FNP, LGFA, VG, and other banana leagues
      (How long have you been in the LG? What other leagues have you been in?)
    5. What is your knowledge of the rulebook? 7
      (How would you rate your knowledge of the LG Rulebook? Rate yourself between a 1 as least & 7 as most knowledgeable.)
    6. What is your knowledge of PSN Forums? 7, yes
      (Are you familiar with the important sticky threads highlighted in RED and do you understand how to find the league's rosters, standings & league news? Yes or No.)
    7. Do you accept the Ownership Responsibility & Role? I Understand & Accept
    8. Please select up to 3 teams (AHL) and up to 3 countries you wish to be an Owner of. Italy, Marlies, Tbirds, Reign, Canada, Japan
    • Winner Winner x 2
  7. OneTeeOvi

    OneTeeOvi Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2016
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    @Stxvio @Raw x Dog 13 theres an nhl thread for ownership. Dont think you guys qualify as you didn't play in ahl
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  8. jojodevil91

    jojodevil91 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2019
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    +488 / 27 / -81

    did u play ahl last season u tool ?
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  9. HowRawTooRaw

    HowRawTooRaw Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Kingston Ontario
    +215 / 19 / -60
    It don’t matter i don’t think as I ended as a regular roster player in nhl
  10. jojodevil91

    jojodevil91 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2019
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    +488 / 27 / -81
    u dumb stupid dumb
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  11. Astrrro-_-

    Astrrro-_- Devin

    Dec 12, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Chicago, IL
    +384 / 34 / -61
    1. What is your age? 23
    2. Did you play and end on a roster in the AHL during Season 14? Yes
    3. What is your previous league management experience? AHL GM S14
      (Example: Owner, General Manager or Assistant General Manager)
    4. What is your experience in leagues overall? 2013-14 LGCHL S1 - LGAHL S18 - LGNHL S18 / 2019-2020 LGCHL S12 - LGAHL S14/15
      (How long have you been in the LG? What other leagues have you been in?)
    5. What is your knowledge of the rulebook? Knowledgeable (7)
      (How would you rate your knowledge of the LG Rulebook? Rate yourself between a 1 as least & 7 as most knowledgeable.)
    6. What is your knowledge of PSN Forums? Knowledgeable and yes (7)
      (Are you familiar with the important sticky threads highlighted in RED and do you understand how to find the league's rosters, standings & league news? Yes or No.)
    7. Do you accept the Ownership Responsibility & Role? I Understand & Accept
      Please Respond By Answering With The Following "I Understand & Accept"
    8. Please select up to 3 teams (AHL) and up to 3 countries you wish to be an Owner of. Checkers, Wolves, Milwaukee / USA, Canada, Switzerland
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Dustyl93l

    Dustyl93l Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    +45 / 4 / -7
    1. What is your age? 17

    2. Did you play and end on a roster in the AHL during Season 14? Yes, Rochester Americans

    3. What is your previous league management experience? CHL GM (S8, S9, S10, S11)
      (Example: Owner, General Manager or Assistant General Manager)

    4. What is your experience in leagues overall?
      (How long have you been in the LG? What other leagues have you been in?) I've played LG since S5 (PSN)

    5. What is your knowledge of the rulebook?
      (How would you rate your knowledge of the LG Rulebook? Rate yourself between a 1 as least & 7 as most knowledgeable.) 6

    6. What is your knowledge of PSN Forums?
      (Are you familiar with the important sticky threads highlighted in RED and do you understand how to find the league's rosters, standings & league news? Yes or No.) Yes I do

    7. Do you accept the Ownership Responsibility & Role?
      Please Respond By Answering With The Following "I Understand & Accept" I Understand & Accept

    8. Please select up to 3 teams (AHL) and up to 3 countries you wish to be an Owner of. Bakersfield Condors, Manitoba Moose, San Jose Barracuda/Canada, Finland, Switzerland
    • Like Like x 1
  13. zeidell

    zeidell Warning Group

    Mar 16, 2019
    Trophy Points:
    +192 / 16 / -19
    1. What is your age? 17
    2. Did you play and end on a roster in the AHL during Season 14? Yes, I ended the season on the Admirals
    3. What is your previous league management experience?I don't have previous management experience but I think this would be a good start|
    4. What is your experience in leagues overall? I've been playing in LG since s10
    5. What is your knowledge of the rulebook? 7, since I don't have any management experience I've taken it upon myself to learn the rules
    6. What is your knowledge of PSN Forums? Yes
    7. Do you accept the Ownership Responsibility & Role? I Understand & Accept
    8. Please select up to 3 teams (AHL) and up to 3 countries you wish to be an Owner of. Milwaukee Admirals, Charlotte Checkers, Laval rockets, / Team Canada, Team Kazakhstan, Team Mongolia
  14. OG Frosty94

    OG Frosty94 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2019
    Trophy Points:
    +5 / 1 / -17
    1. What is your age? 26
    2. Did you play and end on a roster in the NHL during Season 14? No
    3. What is your previous league management experience? Owner X6 WJHC, Owner X6 S4
    4. What is your experience in leagues overall? 3 seasons
    5. What is your knowledge of the rulebook? 8
    6. What is your knowledge of PSN Forums? 10
    7. Do you accept the Ownership Responsibility & Role? I Understand & Accept
    8. Please select up to 3 teams (NHL) and up to 3 countries you wish to be an Owner of. Toronto Marlies, Charlotte Checkers, Milwaukee Admirals, Canada, Sweden, Slovakia
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